Analysis of alcoholic beverages is conducted to provide feedback on quality and consistency and, increasingly, as part of a quality assurance (QA) program. For ciders, the fruit is a seasonable ingredient and varies according to weather, growing practices and harvesting. Acid and sugar levels are often critical to achieving a suitable fermentation and final product flavor and require early analysis during growth and in processing. Capella Innovation inc. is able to analyze the juices pre and post-fermentation, and the ciders pre and post-bottling.
The Anton-Parr Alcolyzer ME allows us to provide you with accurate alcohol content (0% v/v to 12 % v/v ± 0.01) and original extract (0 °Plato to 30 °Plato ±0.03) measurements. This can be done on all ciders and fermenting fruit juices.
You can provide us with either pre-filtered samples, package products samples or stored products samples and this way monitor the quality of your cider throughout the whole process of fabrication and aging.
Capella Innovation inc. is able to analyze your cider at all the stages -the juices pre and post-fermentation to the pre and post-bottling.

Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Oenococcus and Pediococcus are genera of special interest as they are able to survive cider environments (low pH, high ethanol content and low nutrients). With some tests, Capella can help you to control those bacterias.